Fierce Network recognized for outstanding content from the American Society of Business Publication Editors

Fierce Network, formerly Silverlinings, won a National Azbee Award from the American Society of Business Publication Editors (ASBPE). The Azbee Awards are the most competitive awards programs for B2B media.

Fierce Network, a mega portal to meet the needs of decision makers throughout the global communications industry, won a gold award in the All Content: Editorial category for the Op-Ed: I hate to say I told you so by Stephen M. Saunders, MBE.

Through independent, original reporting Fierce Network (née Silverlinings) provides cloud network architects with a reputable daily source of news, analysis and strategy for communications infrastructure and business strategies.

In his blistering op-eds, Saunders takes telecom vendors to task for failing to see the cloud revolution coming and lays out what steps they need to take to survive.

There have been half a dozen major vendor fatalities already this century. In this fast-moving, explosively innovative environment, no company can be considered a sure bet. Saunders' op-eds speak truth to big vendors who don't want to hear it.

Regional awards

Fierce Network also won ASBPE Azbee Northeast Regional awards for the following pieces of content:

Silver: Semiconductor company Broadcom and its plans to acquire networking software giant VMware with content written by Diana Goovaerts, Executive Editor; Dan Jones, Senior Reporter; Mitch Wagner, Freelance Reporter 

Silver: Coverage of the foundational elements of liquid and immersion cooling, including in-depth news and forecast stories and a podcast discussion with content written by Diana Goovaerts, Executive Editor; Harrison Saunders, Editorial Intern

Bronze: Exclusive: Google Cloud CTO talks tech, failures and what the future holds by Diana Goovaerts, Executive Editor