Apple relaxes app developer rules

Apple yesterday dropped its ban on developers using cross-platform tools to produce iPhone apps, opening the possibility of Flash finally hitting the device.
The software firm claimed to be responding to comments from developers by overturning the five-month ban on cross-platform tools, stating it has taken “their feedback to heart,” and relaxed several elements of its Developer Program license.
It stipulates only that apps developed with cross-platform tools must not download any code.
This means that applications originally written in Adobe Flash and then re-compiled for the iPhone iOS can now be submitted to the store.
“This should give developers the freedom they want, while preserving the security we need,” Apple said.
The firm also reversed its ban on rival mobile advertising platforms, clearing the way for Google’s AdMob service, reported.
AdMob boss Omar Hamoui was one of several outspoken critics of Apple’s amended developer policy claiming it was an “artificial barrier” to competition.
The ban on cross-platform tools also sparked a war of words between Steve Jobs and Adobe over the exclusion of Flash, and an investigation by US FTC.
Adobe shares on the Nasdaq grew 12.1% yesterday on news the restrictions had been lifted.
However, newly published app store review guidelines reveal the firm won’t stop banning content it deems inappropriate, and could result in a cull of popular apps.
In it, Apple tells developers “We don’t need any more fart apps.
“If your app doesn’t do something useful or provide some form of lasting entertainment, it may not be accepted,” the BBC reported.
Apps which drain the device's battery or generate excessive heat will also be rejected, as will those containing “rental” content or services that expire in time, the New York Times said.