Qualcomm Profile, Executives & Stock Chart

Qualcomm is dedicated to fostering a global environment where intelligent connectivity empowers individuals and entities alike. Through innovative products and technologies, such as 5G-enabled smartphones and advancements in AI, Qualcomm is driving progress across various industries and communities worldwide. Their mission is centered on creating inventive products that elevate intelligent connectivity, revolutionizing sectors like automotive, agriculture, education, healthcare, and manufacturing. With a comprehensive product lineup that includes processors, modems, and platforms, Qualcomm is propelling us towards the Edge of Possible, enhancing the way we interact with and benefit from technology.





 Top Executives

President & Chief Executive Officer : Cristiano R. Amon:
Chief Human Resources Officer: Heather Ace
Chief Financial Officer and Chief Operating Officer: Akash Palkhiwala
Chief Technology Officer: Dr. James H. Thompson
Chief Supply Chain & Operations Officer: Roawen Chen
Senior Vice President & General Manager, RF Front-End (RFFE):Christian Block


$35.8B (2023)

 Ticker Symbol 



6455 Lusk Blvd, San Diego, California, United States
