The DFINITY Foundation and SingularityNET launch AI Initiative

The DFINITY Foundation (DFINITY), a not-for-profit research and development organization and major contributor to the Internet Computer Blockchain (ICP), today announced a joint initiative with SingularityNET, the world's leading decentralized AI (DeAI) marketplace running on the blockchain. The two organizations will collaborate to advance DeAI infrastructure and bring AI-based services to all decentralized applications (dApps) building on the ICP.

The advent of AI and large language models (LLMs) has demonstrated the potential for the transformation of various industries. However, in their current, centralized state, AI tools and services lack transparency of training data, resulting in lower trust in the corresponding outputs. This joint initiative will integrate the Internet Computer blockchain into the SingularityNET infrastructure, which will address these challenges and provide AI and web3 developers with access to the only blockchain capable of running true DeAI.

On ICP, DeAI models are run entirely inside of smart contracts, making the training parameters and inputs of the LLMs both open source and tamper-proof. The SingularityNET Marketplace connects AI service providers with blockchain application developers, and its trustless platform infrastructure ensures all published LLMs are transparent and verified. In combining their respective expertise, the two organizations are enabling developers to deploy complex AI models on the blockchain with algorithms being executed at 11,500 transactions per second.

Additionally, the two organizations will synergize their grant programs, Deep Funding the DFINITY Developer Grant Program, to stimulate community developer engagement and provide developers with the resources needed to further advance DeAI projects leveraging this revolutionary infrastructure.