Pentera launches cloud testing product to reduce exposure

Pentera, today announced the general availability of Pentera Cloud as part of its automated security validation platform to complement its renowned Pentera Core and Surface products.

Pentera Cloud is the first software product enabling on-demand security testing and resilience assessment of corporate cloud accounts against cloud-native attacks. As part of Pentera's automated security validation platform, Pentera Cloud empowers security teams to reduce exposure to cloud-native attacks stemming from anywhere in the IT attack surface: On-premises, external, and cloud.

"The market for Continuous Threat Exposure Management (CTEM) is rapidly accelerating. Organizations are aligning their security efforts to account for business and cyber exposure that is increasingly moving to the cloud," said Ran Tamir, Chief Product Officer at Pentera. "Pentera is taking security validation to the next level. The introduction of automated cloud pentesting ensures that organizations can continuously identify and remediate proven cyber exposure to maintain security readiness as they advance their cloud migration journeys."

As organizations continue to embrace the cloud, they redistribute a greater proportion of their risk to their cloud environments. Threat actors are increasingly targeting cloud assets, and today research shows that 82% of breaches involve data stored in the cloud. Compounding the challenge is that many organizations operate hybrid environments that utilize a mix of multiple cloud providers and on-premises infrastructure. These deployments enhance operational flexibility but they also increase the number of possible attack vectors.