Territorium Emphasizes the Importance of Microcredentials

In a recent survey of 3,600 students and employers across the globe, 90% agreed that earning professional certificates or microcredentials will help them stand out to employers and secure jobs when they graduate. As the value of the four-year degree comes into question, more students are finding value in alternative pathways, such as microcredentials and certificates. 

Dr. Keith Look, VP of Education Solutions at Territorium, was recently joined by Keisha Campbell, University Registrar Executive Director at Morgan State University, at the 1EdTech Learning Impact Conference, for a discussion on how microcredentials, digital badges, and CLRs can help students demonstrate and verify their skills, and provide a more granular picture of their capabilities – something a traditional transcript cannot do.

Said Look, microcredentials and badges promote storytelling and give employers a more diversified visual representation of what a candidate brings to the table, and can help level the playing field in a highly competitive labor force where employers are shifting to skills-based hiring and recognizing the value of alternative credentials.

Said Campbell, CLRs provide students with ownership over their achievements. With it, students can track, and showcase to employers, a comprehensive picture of all their accomplishments, from extracurricular activities to badges earned, in one digital wallet, that they can carry with them throughout their education to workforce journey.